Skin Health With Best Nutrition - The Leather is one of the important mirrors of a person's health condition. The skin looks wrinkled, dry, oily, acne and inflammation, is a sign - a sign of poor health in the body. This is often caused by consuming foods that are not healthy, so the skin is not getting enough nutrients and healthy. To overcome the problem of skin, most people prefer to use external cosmetics, including lotions, soaps, scrubs, toners and creams. But unfortunately treat skin only from the outside does not solve the root cause of the problem, despite using expensive outside care products. Moreover, not a few topical beauty products that are full of chemicals that can actually aggravate the skin condition. Therefore it takes the food for healthy skin to keep it looking fresh.
Maintain healthy skin can be through a variety of ways, one of which is to eat foods that nourish the skin. There are various kinds of foods for healthy skin are known to very good effect, including nuts, fruits, and green vegetables. To be able to get healthy and beautiful skin is certainly not a difficult thing if you belong to the class of those who diligently care for the skin. Perform maintenance on the skin does not always have to be expensive as you often imagine. Diligent mild treatments such as drinking lots of water and concerned about nutrition that goes into your body will be able to assist you in the process of obtaining a beautiful skin.
Nutrients can be obtained from food for skin health that you consume every day. Just not all foods contain nutrients that are good for the skin. Poor nutrition, exposure to toxins, either by pollutants, chemicals in skin care products and of the food, is what is causing all the problems of the skin. Psoriasis is spotty, premature aging, is a manifestation of the body's nutritional needs are not met properly. Here is the best nutrition for healthy skin healthy and fresh.
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Skin Health With Best Nutrition |
Vitamin A
Vitamin A promotes healing and skin care, and lack of this vitamin can lead to dry skin and scaly skin. The use of topical vitamin A often to treat acne and other skin diseases. Food for healthy skin that is high in vitamin A includes liver, peppers, carrots, apricots, kale, sweet potatoes, spinach, and melon. The best thing is to get vitamin A from food sources since excess vitamin A can be harmful to health.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is very good for reducing cell damage caused by free radicals, which are caused by pollutants and exposure to UV rays from the sun. Free radicals are damaging the collagen and elastin fibers that support skin structure, which can lead to wrinkles and premature aging. When combined with vitamin E, vitamin C is very effective to protect skin from sun exposure. Food for healthy skin that contains vitamin C includes citrus fruits, red cherries, papaya, lemon, green peppers, guava, kale, parsley, radishes, and broccoli.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is another antioxidant vitamins are strong, which is also beneficial to reduce the effects of sun exposure on the skin. Vitamin E also reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and if used topically will restore dry skin and / or rude. Food for healthy skin from the best sources of vitamin E includes sunflower seeds, safflower, sunflower oil, almonds, spinach, peaches, plums, tomatoes, cabbage, asparagus, and avocado. Should not use artificial vitamin E in vain, because it can endanger health.
Silica is a trace mineral that serves to strengthen the body's connective tissues, such as muscles, tendons, hair, ligaments, nails, cartilage, and is essential for healthy skin. This mineral deficiency can lead to reduced skin elasticity and can hamper the body's ability to heal wounds. Which includes food for skin health from the best source of silica such as leeks, green beans, strawberries, cucumber, mango, celery, and asparagus.
Zinc / Zinc is an important mineral type for healthy skin, especially for people with acne problems. It is even possible that acne is a symptom of the body of zinc deficiency. This mineral works to control oil production in the skin, and can also help control some of the hormones that trigger acne. Additionally, Zinc is also required for the function of the immune system that is precise, sight, taste, and smell. The intake of zinc is also strongly associated with a reduced risk of prostate cancer. Food for healthy skin is rich in zinc include fresh oysters, pumpkin seeds, ginger, pecans, Brazil nuts, wheat, and eggs. Zinc can also be obtained in the form of supplements.
Omega 3
Omega-3 fatty acids beneficial to maintain the outer skin layer remains intact so that toxins from pollutants can be warded off. Dry skin, inflamed skin, and blackheads can benefit by taking supplements of essential fatty acids (Essential Fatty Acids, or EFAs), especially omega 3 EFAs are responsible for skin repair, moisture, and flexibility because the body can not produce it themselves , then it must be obtained from certain foods. Enough got a balanced intake of omega 3 and omega 6 will create smooth skin, and look younger. Not only that, EFA is also very important for the health of the heart, joints, brain, etc. Food for healthy skin that contains omega-6 fatty acids are found in grains, and omega 3 found in fish such as salmon, mackerel, tuna, flaxseed oil and safflower. EFAs are also available in the form of supplements like fish oil capsules.
Selenium is an antioxidant mineral that is responsible for the elasticity of skin tissue. It also prevents cell damage caused by free radicals and known to be associated with a reduced risk of cancer and premature aging. These minerals may be important to prevent skin cancer because it also protects the skin from damage caused by excessive exposure to ultraviolet light. Food for healthy skin sourced selenium include wheat germ, seafood such as tuna and salmon, garlic, Brazil nuts, eggs, brown rice, and whole wheat bread.
That nutrient is at least filled with foods for healthy skin that does not look dull because the skin is also very dependent on a healthy diet. The better our nutrition, more healthy and glowing skin as well and vice versa. In addition to a healthy diet for the skin also do skin care is the best way to maintain the beauty and the beauty of the skin. Not only the body that is in need of nutritious substances to stay healthy, but the skin was badly in need of nutrients every day to stay healthy and able to replace dead skin cells with new skin cells healthier.