Dangers of Sun Yang About Skin Direct

Dangers of Sun Yang About Skin Direct - Dangers of the sun's skin is very important for you to know because every day you will encounter this problem. Problem skin is a very sensitive issue for everyone. Comfort, beauty, and skin care a priority of everyone. Not just for women, men, children, and adolescents. With specific objectives and different, they are always trying to provide the best care for her skin. Teenagers, for example, caring for the needs of the appearance of their skin. The new teen facing puberty are very sensitive to their appearance. Especially girls, they like to dress up in phases, sociable and always wanted to show that themselves beautiful, good and beautiful. The desire to show it has become a necessity for youth.

Direct sunlight on the skin is very dangerous. Many effects that may result from sunlight on the skin directly. Leather everyone without exception has the same sensitivity. The pores of the skin are very small not able to withstand direct sunlight. Dangers of the sun for skin that radiates directly on the skin is not good for skin health. You have a lot to learn about the dangers of the sun, ways to make the protection of your skin from direct sunlight and care for beautiful skin. Learning them is not a difficult thing as studying math or other subjects. Knowledge of the skin is a lesson that did not take very long. Keeping the skin or a skin care for daily behavior is done naturally and natural. Natural and unnatural in the sense made in line with the needs and changes in behavior.
Dangers of Sun Yang About Skin Direct
Dangers of Sun Yang About Skin Direct

Skin damage from the sun

Damage can be caused due to the danger of sunlight on the skin that hits directly. Damage such as burning of the pores of the skin cells that cause the skin to look black, dull, dark, and dry. Even the color of the skin is initially bright white can be instantly transformed into a dark, dull and dry. Skin conditions like this quite highly disturbing your activities. You will be confident to meet with your colleagues or move with them. You will be more insecure, introverted and self-limiting.

Beautiful woman synonymous with white skin, high body and a bright face. Apart from the actual true beauty is kindness and goodness attitudes and behavior. Skin damage caused by sun damage to the skin as mentioned ruining your personality as well. There is such a link between the health of the body with psychological health. As already mentioned, such as the occurrence of blackening of skin damage, dry and dull can lower your confidence. Once you feel confident, you will be more closed to others because they do not want to ridicule.

Worse dangers of the sun on the skin can cause disease. The diseases caused by the dangers of the sun on the skin is skin cancer. Skin cancer is a type of cancer that affects the nerve cells and skin. Skin cancer is destructive and makes the skin become unhealthy. The symptoms are caused as a result of skin disease germs that stick to the skin. The type of skin cancer, among others, actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma.

How to protect your skin from direct sun rays

Skin protection from direct sunlight you can do a variety of ways. You who like to travel to the sea can make use of sunscreen products. Products such as body lotion sunscreen or sunblock you can use a sunscreen. The benefits of using these products to protect your skin from the dangers of the direct beam sunlight. These products also recommend that you use every day to care for and protect your skin. Dangers of the sun's skin is very important for you to learn. Not only teenagers, children until the parents are required to know.

Dangers of the sun for the skin to be one of the priorities that should you budget every month. Because in addition to the comfort and safety of your, every day also to build your reputation. People will think about your patience treat skin and be responsible for yourself. You will be rewarded, especially for leaders. A leader in particular women, employees, and staff will be very comfortable working with you when you look better and convincing.

In addition to using sunscreen products, you can also use a variety of ways to protect your skin. Tips on how to protect your skin from the sun for you is a lot of activity in outdoor: using a jacket on the way out or traveling, use gloves when on the move using a motorcycle, wearing socks while on the move using the motor, using a coat when you jog during the day, use an umbrella to protects you from the direct beam sunlight. This protection is in ways that are easy enough to anticipate the dangers of the sun to the skin. But you have to remember some things that trivial things like this do not let you miss. These steps are very trivial but it gives a huge benefit to you.

Times of sun healthy and unhealthy

In addition to damaging the skin, the sun can also provide benefits for your body. But in addition to that benefit, it still contains dangers for the skin. You can not constantly avoid the sun as an excuse to make the protection of the skin. Because the other parts of your body require vitamins contained in sunlight. Therefore, you must be smart to choose the time to sunbathe and avoid times of the dangers of the sun for the skin exposed to direct sunlight.

Vitamin D is needed by your body which is radiated by direct sunlight. If your body is never exposed to the sunlight of this well then you will often expose to various diseases. One of these "jaundice" (name of the disease in traditional terms). In addition, your body is never exposed to sunlight will either be impaired bone growth. Vitamin D is beneficial for bone growth to accelerate absorption of nutrients for bones. Therefore, the sun had good times and times dangerous. Dangers of the sun to the skin persists despite the many benefits too.

The times are good for sunbathing in the morning and afternoon. The morning ranged from 7 am to 9 pm 9. Through the emitted vitamin D sunlight into the sun's damaging ultraviolet. 9 hours of the sunshine above contains cancer to skin. Therefore, the sun above the 9 o'clock hazards to the skin to sunlight. In the afternoon you are also recommended for sunbathing, ranged from 4 pm until sunset.
