Natural Ways to Remove Acne Scars On Face Pockmark

Natural Ways to Remove Acne Scars On Face Pockmark - Ever heard the term pockmarked? The pock-marked face is one of the problems often faced by many people. Pockmarks or better known as acne scars is very disturbing our appearance. Not only the womenfolk are disturbed, but some men also feel the same way. Pocked itself can appear for several reasons, one of the most common because of acne. If we squeeze pimples with dirty hands, it will most likely cause scars in the form of pockmarks. Well, for those of you who are looking for natural ways to eliminate acne scars pocked without having to use a laser, consider the following guidelines. This method has been proven to solve the persistent pockmarked.

The onset of acne scars will make you women have difficulties when applying makeup to the face. Actually, there are many ways you can do to get rid of acne scars that pockmarked. One of the easiest ways to do is to use cosmetics that contain chemicals. But to remove pockmarked with chemicals is not the most appropriate solution. Because if the cosmetics contain dangerous chemicals, what happens is increasingly hard to lose scars and worse. It's better to use natural ways to eliminate acne scars pocked.

In addition to using chemical based cosmetics , acne pockmarks can be removed by using a laser . However , you should prepare a small cost for such treatment . Though there are natural ways to eliminate acne scars pock cheap and easy to do . Many ways and herbal remedies are made ​​from fruits, vegetables , and other plants . The natural ingredients will not give any side effects if used long term.
Natural Ways to Remove Acne Scars On Face Pockmark
Natural Ways to Remove Acne Scars On Face Pockmark

Causes Pockmark On Face

Before we discuss more natural ways to eliminate acne scars pocked, let us consider first the factors causing these pockmarks. The emergence of pockmarks on the face due to our own fault unfavorable treating the face. Here are some of the causes pockmarks that you should know so that you can prevent acne scars do not reappear.

The main cause of pockmarks on the face is not squeezed pimples. When facial acne we often hold or squeeze acne. If we touch it with dirty hands, the bacteria will enter and cause infection. So that would lead to acne scars or pockmarks in the form of perforated leather. Pockmarks on the face can also be caused by a buildup of dead skin cells. This problem can arise because we are lazy keep the face. The result is a face appears dirty, dull, acne and pockmarks arise. Other causes such as smallpox scars or insect bites. The actual cuts will not leave wounds if not we scratch. To that although itchy try not to scratch to avoid scars. After knowing the cause of the pocked, we continued the discussion about natural ways to eliminate acne scars pocked.

How to Eliminate Pockmark On Face

The natural way to eliminate acne scars pocked much better than using chemical drugs which have many side effects . But does treatment with herbal ingredients need a longer time ? It takes patience and discipline when scar treatment that can be treated up to the roots. Here is a list of natural remedies are the efficacious treatment of pockmarks on your face.

Pockmark Eliminate Acne scars with Honey and Lemon

The natural way to eliminate acne scars pocked the first to use a combination of lemon and honey . Efficacy of lemon for healthy skin had been felt since the first. Hydroxy Acid Content of lemon fruit coupled with the advantages of honey is very effective to eliminate acne scars . For honey should not use the pure honey mixture . How to use it, squeeze the lemon until the juice obtained sufficiently. Add a little honey and mix well . Apply the mixture on the face evenly and then let sit for 15 minutes or until the mask dries . Afterward, rinse using clean water is still warm . In addition mixed with lemon juice, you can use honey alone to cope with a pockmarked face . Simply apply honey regularly at night and leave for 15 minutes . If so, wash your face with water so that the face is in a clean state during sleep.

Read more : Benefits of Honey For Skin Mask

Eliminate Acne scars Pockmark with Young Corn

Young corn in addition to delicious to eat can also be used to eliminate the pockmarked quickly . Vegetable corn has a high content of vitamin E is quite necessary for healthy skin . The main function of vitamin E is to regenerate skin . The natural way to eliminate acne scars pocked with young corn is quite simple . You simply set up a few pieces of corn were washed clean . Then grate young corn to be used as a mask on the face that have acne scars . Apply the mask and wait until dry corn . If so, remove the mask with warm water . Do this at night when sleeping to get maximum results.

Troubleshooting Pockmark Acne Scars

The natural way to eliminate acne scars next pockmarked by utilizing soy. Usually, soy is used as raw material for tempeh, tofu, and soy sauce. One type of these nuts is enriched with a very high protein. It is not uncommon if soy milk is also made to be consumed a few people who experience allergic animal protein. In addition to these benefits, soy reliable to prevent and overcome the problem of rough and dry skin. To take advantage of soy is quite easy to do. First, soak the soybeans a few minutes to make it more tender. Then puree with crushed using elegant way. Soybeans that have been refined affixed to the face pockmarked and not smooth. Let stand for about 30 minutes then wash off with warm water. Afterward rinse again using cold water to close the pores shut again. Perform maintenance on a regular basis for 3 weeks so that you can feel the maximum results.

Quick Ways to Remove Acne Scars Naturally Pockmark

The natural way to eliminate acne scars pocked subsequent use aloe vera. Efficacy of Aloe vera or aloe vera was already widely used in the world of health or beauty. Aloe vera has been commonly used in hair care to stay healthy. Aloe vera can also be used to treat skin burnt by fire or other injuries. Benefits of aloe vera, on the other hand, is to treat pockmarked arising from acne. Quite an easy download and then wipe the aloe vera skin. Cut the flesh of aloe vera in several sections and then apply on the skin pockmarked. Take a few moments and then wash with clean water.

The next way is to use a mask pineapple. Pineapple is rich in vitamin C could actively cope with pockmarks on the face. It is very easy, first grated or blender pineapple that has been cleaned. After a smooth apply on face and leave on for 20 minutes. Then rinse with cold water until clean. In addition to masks of pineapple, you can change it using cucumber. Besides being able to remove the scar, cucumbers also can eliminate pockmarks on the face. The trick, cucumber puree and then used as a mask and let stand for 20 minutes. Afterward, wash your face with clean water. Well, that's some natural ways to eliminate acne scars pocked. May be useful.
