Benefits Aloe Vera For Health And Beauty - Aloe vera is a plant that has many benefits to everyday life. Aloe vera has been used as an herbal remedy once hair and skin beauty care since antiquity. Already no doubt about the benefits and efficacy of the plant which has the Latin name Aloe vera.
Aside from being a herbal plant, aloe is also commonly used as an ornamental plant. Aloe vera contains a variety of biologically active compounds, such as mannans, acetate, poly mannans, anthraquinone, various lectins, sampolin substances, and anthraquinone compounds. Anthraquinone compounds contained in aloe vera can ward off bacteria.
Aloe vera contains about 75 kinds of substances beneficial and approximately 200 compounds have efficacy for our bodies. With these contents, aloe vera is often used as a natural ingredient for various medicines and beauty products, the most popular is that nearly all shampoo products using aloe vera. This is because of the benefits of exceptional aloe vera for health and beauty hair.
Well speaks any of aloe vera, whatever, the benefits of a plant that has the Latin name aleovera. Here are some of the benefits and efficacy of aloe vera for health and beauty.
Aside from being a herbal plant, aloe is also commonly used as an ornamental plant. Aloe vera contains a variety of biologically active compounds, such as mannans, acetate, poly mannans, anthraquinone, various lectins, sampolin substances, and anthraquinone compounds. Anthraquinone compounds contained in aloe vera can ward off bacteria.
Aloe vera contains about 75 kinds of substances beneficial and approximately 200 compounds have efficacy for our bodies. With these contents, aloe vera is often used as a natural ingredient for various medicines and beauty products, the most popular is that nearly all shampoo products using aloe vera. This is because of the benefits of exceptional aloe vera for health and beauty hair.
Well speaks any of aloe vera, whatever, the benefits of a plant that has the Latin name aleovera. Here are some of the benefits and efficacy of aloe vera for health and beauty.
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Extraordinary Benefits of Aloe Vera For Health And Beauty |
Benefits of aloe vera for health
1. create and enhance the immune system or immune system
Aloe vera contains antioxidants which can counteract free radicals found in the human body. Own free radicals are compounds that are unstable due to side effects of the metabolic processes and contribute to causes of aging and various diseases. Well with drinking aloe vera juice, we can increase the body's immune system and ward off various free radicals.2. Detoxification or expenditure toxins
Aloe vera can also serve as a detoxification or removal of toxins from the human body. Toxins that enter the body through smoking, junk food, stress, and pollution can be cleaned with aloe vera. Well, you could consume aloe vera juice regularly to cleanse your body of toxins.3. Treating wounds and scars
Aloe vera is also very useful for treating wounds and scars such as scars wounds, bruises, bruises and so forth. Well, in this case, you can apply aloe vera gel on your skin is injured. Do it repeatedly and regularly, then the wounds and scars will be gone quickly.Read more : How to Quickly Eliminate Scars On Face Without Cost
4. Lose weight
Perhaps you are wondering, what to do with weight aloe vera? Well, aloe vera can help you lose weight. Drinking aloe vera juice can cleanse the digestive system. A healthy digestive system can facilitate the defecation. Besides aloe vera is also satiating.5. Treating hemorrhoids
Mix half the stem of aloe vera, 2 tablespoons of honey and half a cup of boiled water, in a way aloe granted until smooth and mix these three ingredients, drink the potion 3 times a day. Then the hemorrhoid disease would be cured.6. Preventing and controlling inflammation
Aloe vera juice has 12 different substances in fighting inflammation. And the entirety of these substances have no side effects or risks to our bodies. As described above, aloe vera can also overcome the scars just as bruises, bruises, burns and so forth.7. Kesehatan cardiovascular and heart healthy
Cardiovascular health is health, which includes heart health, blood pressure, and so forth. In the study doctors inject aloe vera extract into the blood, can drastically increase the diffusion of red blood cells and oxygen transport. Aloe vera is known to have the ability to regulate blood pressure and improve blood oxygenation and blood circulation, lower cholesterol and make blood becomes liquid so that it can nourish the heart.8. Relieves muscle and joint pains
Anti inflmasi on aloe vera works efficiently to help relieve sore muscles and joints. By applying aloe vera gel can relieve muscle pain and joint pain. Aloe vera juice can also be consumed to reduce inflammation throughout the body, which then revitalizes the body. People who regularly consume aloe vera juice will experience significant improvements in inflammatory problems.9. Eliminate itching from insect bites
The itching caused by insect bites such as mosquitoes, ants, and other insects can be overcome with aloe vera gel. The way you just rub aloe vera gel on your skin sore or itchy.10. The source of vitamins and minerals
As described above, if Aloe vera contains a lot of vitamins and minerals needed by the body. This makes the aloe vera plant into a herb that is very beneficial. Some of the content of vitamins, minerals within the aloe include vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, E, niacin, folic acid, chromium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, copper, potassium, iron, sodium, kalium etc. ,11. Helps treat diabetes
Diabetes is a serious disease. Diabetes today already attacking many young people and even children too many have diabetes. This is because of the lifestyle and unhealthy food. Nan aloe vera can regulate sugar levels in the blood so that it can prevent and help treat diabetes. Drinking aloe vera juice is strongly recommended for those who have problems in sugar or diabetes.12. Alkalization body
Body alkalization process is the process of keeping the acidity of the human body. The food we eat contains acid, Ideally consumption of foods containing these acids 20% foods that have acid levels, and 80% of common foods that do not have acid levels. So by consuming aloe vera juice and Offsetting body regulate the acidity of the food.13. Stopping cancer growth
Cancer is a disease that is highly lethal and frightening. Now we can stop cancer growth by consuming aloe vera juice on a regular basis. Aloe vera gel can destroy cancer cells effectively.14. Cure gum disease
Aloe vera also has healing properties tooth and gum disease. Use aloe vera powder as toothpaste to treat gum disease and teeth.Benefits of aloe vera for skin beauty
1. Overcoming stubborn acne
Jerawta is a common skin problem that affects everyone. Although not a dangerous disease, but it can destroy the appearance of acne. Now you can treat acne with aloe vera. Aloe vera can treat acne, although acne is stubborn, though. It is very easy, that you apply aloe vera gel on your skin with acne. Perform routine meal acne will disappear.Read more : The Natural Way To Remove Acne In One Night
2. Eliminate blackheads
Blackheads appear because the skin pores clogged dirt. As with acne, blackheads also be a skin problem that often interferes with performance. But you need not worry because blackheads can also be overcome with aloe vera gel. Same way to get rid of pimples apply aloe vera gel on your skin that contained the blackheads like around the nose or chin.Read more : 7 Ways Naturally to Remove Blackheads
3. Remove black spots
Black spots such as scars or acne scars are very disturbing at all. Yes, black spots make the face look dull and dark. Now you can remove the black spots with aloe vera gel. Apply aloe vera gel on the morning and evening, let stand for 30 minutes and rinse with water until clean, then the black spots will disappear.Read more : Natural Ways to Remove Black Spots On Skin
4. Smooth and brighten skin
The next benefit is to smooth the skin and brighten the skin. With skin care uses of aloe vera gel, skin will be smooth and bright. Black spots, dead skin cells will be lifted so that the skin will be smooth, bright and naturally beautiful.Read more : Tips Whiten Skin Quickly And Safely
5. Overcoming dull skin, oily and dry
Dull skin, oily and dry is the cause of various types of skin problems particularly acne, blackheads, and wrinkles. Besides dull skin, oily and dry skin make bad to look at, Well, you can solve the problem using aloe vera. The way to use aloe vera gel as a face mask, leave on for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.Read more : Face mask for dry skin and dull
6. Moisturizing the skin
Healthy skin is skin that is moist and chewy. Well, you do not clone partitions confused to find a moisturizer, you can use a cheap moisturizer is aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel is also safe for sensitive skin. To do that you apply aloe vera gel on your skin, let stand a few minutes and rinse thoroughly.Read more : How to Moisturize Skin Quickly And Naturally
7. Protect your skin from the sun or UV rays
As we know the sun or UV rays is the free radicals that can damage the skin, especially in the daytime sun scorching, Now you can use aloe vera to protect your skin from the sun's rays. Aloe vera gel is easily absorbed and moisturizes the skin.8. Preventing and controlling aging or wrinkles on the skin
Aging or wrinkles on the skin once a frightening specter for women. But you need not worry, you can use aloe vera as a natural skincare to prevent and cope with aging. The content of vitamin C and E and beta-carotene may restore firmness and elasticity of the skin and make the skin healthy and youthful.9. Coping with stretch marks
Stretch mark is a skin condition that is very annoying at all, it usually occurs after delivery. Well, aloe vera gel can use to eliminate stretch marks.Read more : How To Quickly And Naturally Eliminate Cellulite
10. Cleaning makeup
You can use aloe vera gel to clean your makeup. Take natural aloe vera gel, apply on your skin, the aloe vera gel will clean up your makeup without causing irritation.Benefits of aloe vera for hair beauty
Aloe vera is already familiar to hair care. Actually many hair beauty products that use the extra aloe vera gel as a main ingredient. Then anything that benefits derived from aloe vera for health and beauty hair. Here are the benefits of aloe vera for health and beauty hair.1. Smooth hair
The hair is dry because vitamin deficiencies can be overcome with aloe vera gel. Apply aloe vera gel evenly and thoroughly to all parts of the scalp and hair. Perform routine then the hair will be smooth and soft.2. Moisten hair
In addition to smoothing the hair, aloe vera also moisturizes the hair. Damp hair to make the hair easier to style and look beautiful. Make aloe juice, then apply on your hair evenly, leave on for 20 minutes and then you rinse thoroughly. Perform maintenance on the 2 times a day, then the hair will be damp and pretty.3. Increased hair growth
If you are wrong in your hair cut cloned partitions do not worry, you can use aloe vera gel to help grow hair quickly. Yes, aloe vera gel can make hair grow faster and longer.4. Coping with hair loss and branched
Hair loss and hair problems that branching is most commonly experienced by women. But it could be above using aloe vera gel. Use aloe vera gel as a conditioner to your hair, so hair loss and branching will be reduced gradually.Read more : Natural Ways to Overcome Hair Loss
5. Prevent Baldness
Baldness is the most serious problem in the hair. Baldness is the most frightening specter because hair is a crown is missing, and the appearance of baldness can be devastating, especially for women. Therefore we have to prevent baldness. Well, for that we can use aloe vera. As mentioned above if the aloe vera can increase hair growth and prevent hair loss. Thus, aloe vera aloe is suitable to prevent baldness.6. Eliminate dandruff
Dandruff is a problem of hair that makes people confident. Well, dandruff can be solved by using aloe vera gel. Apply aloe vera gel on the scalp and hair to evenly and let stand for an hour, rinse with water and wash with shampoo, then dandruff will be gone and never to return again.Read more : 7 Easy Ways to Overcome Dandruff In One Night
7. Fertilize eyebrows
Alis is also a hair, you can fertilize the eyebrows using aloe vera gel. To do that you apply aloe vera gel on eyebrows before bed and let stand until the next morning. Rinse with water until clean.8. Healthy eyelashes
Aloe vera can also be used as mascara to nourish and beautify your lashes. The lashes are dry and fall can be treated with aloe vera gel. Aloe vera gel will make your lashes be beautiful.Such information about the extraordinary benefits of aloe vera for health and beauty. Aloe vera is known as a plant millions of benefits. May the above information helpful. Thanks.