Tips To Prevent Acne You Grow Again - One often troubled by the appearance of acne on the face. But do not think that acne only appears on the face. Acne may appear on the back or chest or other body parts. So why acne most commonly appears on the face? It happened because of the facial skin texture and composition of the different layers of the skin with skin on other body parts . somewhat more sensitive facial skin . The skin on the face is also easier greasy . From the appearance of acne , new findings were present . They helped fill the list and even acne prevention tips to prevent acne from growing again . Acne is a skin problem that stubborn. Once lost , it could reappear at any time.
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Tips To Prevent Acne You Grow Again |
Causes of Acne
Just do not let you know, acne does not just show up without cause and reason. There are factors that influence it so that acne can arise and grow. The laws of causality are always there even for acne problems. Acne is a white bump that appears either on the face or other body parts. Acne also will vary. But it is already resolved because the tips to prevent acne from growing again been found. There is a common acne, some acne stone. Cystic acne is acne is more severe than normal acne. The form was greater. If held, it would hurt. And it's usually cystic acne pimples containing pus. Meaning of cystic acne cause acne containing pus.
Cosmetic may cause the growth of acne. You need to know that, the use of cosmetics is to beautify ourselves. However, sometimes people forget and often did not fear that the skin type of each person is different. Sensitivity is also different. For example, there are cosmetic products that are not suitable for oily skin. However, cosmetics are composed of a combination of various chemicals. Chemicals used excessive necessarily and certainly not good for skin health. Tips to prevent acne from growing again even just be a useless thing. If prevention can be done but it was never done. Cosmetics are not suitable will cause an irritation or even inflammation of the skin.
Whose name is still centered on cosmetics, you do not forget to clean the face of cosmetics every night. Because maybe, you're tired after coming home from work and do not have time to wash your face to remove cosmetic attached to the skin. By cleaning the face of cosmetics, you also let the skin of your face for the rest, helping skin rejuvenation process as well as tips to prevent acne from growing again. If cosmetics are not properly cleaned, cosmetics before going to close the pores on your face so that your face would be difficult to breathe. That is why the skin also needs a break. In addition to blocking the pores, cosmetics can also clog pores that can trigger acne on your face.
Washing your face is a good thing because it is intended to clean the face. However, excessive wash your face and not according to the rules will actually be bad for your skin. Better wash your face with a certain scale. Do a little cleaning the face with a face wash way. As ever the proverb says, the moderate, not too much, nor too little. Wash your face too often is not good because it will increase the production of oil glands or sebum on the skin cells. For example, you can perform the activity in the bath washing the face twice a day. Also coupled to wash your face before bed. So in total wash your face as you did in one day only three times. Yeah right, that's enough tips to help you in preventing acne to grow again.
Your hands are certainly could not stand to touch the skin or even scratch the skin of your face when being itchy . You must know that you are in the hands of the media is doing a lot of things . This holds your hand and it's up to you often forget to have held anything in a day . Germs and bacteria stuck anywhere . But your hands are always touching something that may be contained germs and bacteria . From there you must realize that your hands will be full of germs and bacteria . That makes severe , you are lazy to wash your hands . And you certainly know the result of your hand touches the skin of your face . Furthermore clean hands can also be tips on preventing acne to grow again.
You who have grown tired of the long journey or you are already tired of the exercise, then go home and because so tired you fall asleep. Plus you feel lazy to move to the bathroom to get cleaned up. Do you people like that? If so, then you are the type of people who are lazy to clean sweat. Make no mistake, that is not cleaned up the sweat can cause skin irritation because it contained the bacteria in your sweat. And the other possibility that these bacteria develop into acne. As has been described above that acne does not only appear on the face. Therefore, do not let the sweat stuck long in the body. Take a bath because it was tipped to prevent acne from growing again.
For men and women, especially among teenagers, be careful when wearing tight clothing. Yeah right, use tight clothes can make you look sexy and seductive. But do you know that about every 40 minutes, we lost one million dead skin cells? Because of your clothes tight, dead skin cells are stuck on your clothes. And on the next day will be your clothes again, and dead skin cells are then stacked with bacteria, sweat, and dirt and then factor the growth of acne. Another thing, if you're always changing clothes every day. But for clothing made from jeans, usually, jeans are fabrics that rarely washed. For that, this is a tip to prevent acne from growing again for you.
prevent Acne
Care of the face is the main thing of tips to prevent acne from growing again. Media you in cleaning the face none other than the soap. Choosing not only chooses the origin of the soap. The ordinary soap you use for bathing do you use to wash your face. Skin and skin sensitivity is different. There is a special soap that is intended to clean the face. Should use soap composition of natural ingredients only. Natural ingredients are better for the skin of your face. Soap-based chemistry, it can prevent and eliminate acne. However, after the chemical is a material that is not good for the skin. Sure there are the side effects of a facial cleanser made from chemicals.
The use of natural ingredients is the best of a variety of tips to prevent acne from growing again. Natural materials such as honey you can use to prevent and eliminate acne. Honey is usually combined with other ingredients such as lemon or lime juice and turmeric. These materials will become a mask that will cover the face. Honey and turmeric finely ground and then stirred up have been evenly mixed. Then enter the lime juice or lemon into the mixture. The next step stayed apply evenly to the face. For a time, you just wait about 20 to 25 minutes. Afterward, rinse your face using clean water.
Healthy Living To Avoid Acne
Having a healthy lifestyle will prevent you from the risk of acne. Reduce stay up because it is not good to stay up . The time you are supposed to use to break you should not waste in vain . For staying up late will make you less sleep means your body will be less rest time . It can trigger increased levels of the hormone insulin in the body so that acne can grow easily . Mental conditions must you keep as many thoughts and pressure of thinking can also increase stress hormones . And these hormones can trigger acne . Life is good and healthy are some tips to prevent acne to grow again . May be useful!