Get rid of back acne

Get rid of back acne. Acne does not just grow in the face? Acne can also grow in other areas, such as the back (back acne). Back acne is a fairly common condition, but its presence is quite disturbing. Just like acne on the face, acne on the back causing discomfort when you wear clothes, drying off with a towel, wearing a backpack, even when leaning back in the chair. The Condition worsened when inflamed acne, Causes of pain and pain on your back.

Of some writings, especially skin beauty experts through several media both offline and online work, we get the information that the main cause of acne worsening tragedy backs this one is triggered by a hygiene problem.

Causes of back acne just like facial acne, which is an infection caused by work of bacteria in the skin pores are clogged oil and dirt. Acne on the back surface tends common in men because most are not as precisely as women in cleaning the body, especially the back. In addition, men have a more active oil glands and sweat more than women, making it easier than acne growing on the back. Men are also more likely to wear a backpack that attaches to the back off during activity, thus making the sweat trapped easily in the back and the back of the shirt. These things can cause acne for a long time, and once grown, acne will be more difficult to handle because the skin on the back is thicker than the skin on the face.

Main Causes of Acne on the Back

Get rid of back acne
Get rid of back acne

-  Excessive sweat production. At first, the blackhead acne is a pile of oil production which then inflamed because of entry of bacteria to form into a prominent and flushed. Acne that at the initial stage was shaped red spots over time can also develop into spots faster. When the body produces excessive sweating, then it is easier to grow pimples on your back or body. 

- Lack of body hygiene. Especially for those of you who easily sweat, of the body will often be in a moist state. If we do not immediately bathe or change clothes were wet with sweat, it will be easy bacteria thrive in moist areas and the enclosure and cause acne on the back.

- Use double shirt is also a cause of the emergence of Acne on Back. In hot weather, when we use the clothes that include thick, it will make the body become hot and sweaty. When we let it happen without drying the back condition was covered thick clothes will be damp so that germs can multiply cause acne on the back.

- Fungal infections can cause red spots or yellow purulent rash around his back. Different fungal infection of acne on the back. Common acne on the back though to fester will not cause itching, but acne on his back due to certain fungal infections will itch even though it is small.

- Fragrance and softeners Apparel. Some people do not fit with the ingredients contained in the product fragrance and fabric softener. People with sensitive skin can grow acne for wearing clothes that have been washed with fragrance and fabric softener.

1.  How to cope with Tomatoes

To Treating acne on your back with tomatoes, the first step is the selection of the tomato itself. We recommend that you use cooked tomatoes and bright red. Tomato itself will you use as a scrub in the back or the problems with acne. How to use tomatoes as acne remedy is to rub the back of tomatoes that have been pulverized in a blender or ground. Once everything was pretty average, let stand for a few minutes before rinsing with clean water. Please Repeat this process daily care routine for a week or more to get the maximum results.

2.  with eggs

Eggs are known as one of the ingredients for beauty. This also applies to eliminate acne part of your back. And to get rid of acne with eggs, you should use only the white part of the egg alone. Although it is very effective to cope with acne problems, but you should be more careful. How to use is also very easy that is by applying egg whites that have previously been separated from the yellow on the problematic part. After that let the yolk stick backs for 15-20 minutes or let it dry before rinsing with clean water. To obtain maximum results, use this method with a routine or at least 2 times a week.

3. With Lemon
Just like with Eggs, Lemon also has become part of modern beauty ingredients. And one of them to get rid of back acne or facial area. How to use lemon as Acne Medication is also quite easy ie by mixing lemon juice with rose water and rub it on the back with acne. You can use the method in as often as possible to obtain satisfactory results.

4. With Orange Peel

In addition to having a sweet taste and also has a high content of vitamin C, orange is also very useful for health. On the other hand, not only fruit that could be useful for beauty, but the orange peel can also be used as an acne medication. The way to treat Acne on Back with orange skin is a little more complicated, but it has a very good ability in overcoming this problem. The first step is that you leave them in the sun to dry and then soak the dried orange peel into the water. After soaking then milled and added to the milk. After the process of making this acne medication is finished, apply this mixture on the back acne for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with clean water.

Actually, there are many ways you can do to overcome Acne On Back with a variety of methods either method is simple, traditional to the most modern methods. This only can we convey hope the above article useful and thanks
