Acne on chin

Acne on chin. Acne is a common skin problem for both women and men. Acne on the face can make the face look any embarrassing. If pimples are on the cheek, you can hide it by using make-up as possible. Well, if the acne appears on the chin, there are ways to overcome them?. There are various causes of acne, among other dirty skin, bacteria, and dead skin are mixed simultaneously causing Propionibacteria growth in the oil glands. This causes a wide variety of skin problems including acne.

Acne on chin is terrible skin problems that are difficult to be accepted. You may think that acne on the chin may not be visible to others because it is located in the lower face. However, acne on the chin can make you look bad if not treated.

You can try some home remedies for acne on the chin. For example, sandalwood powder, and lemon juice which not only treat acne but also a natural bleach. Here's a list of drugs that are useful for treating acne on your chin

Acne on chin
Acne on chin

1. Steaming

Steaming or evaporation is one of the best drug kuntuk acne on the chin. Steaming can remove dirt, dead skin cells and white cells that can turn into pimples if not cleaned. Doing steaming can open the pores on the face that can make it easy to clean with a clean cotton.

2. Clove

clove it can be used as a potent drug for inflammatory acne. Take 2-3 grains of cloves, then boiled in boiling water. Let it sit for a while and wait until slightly cool. Use to wash the part with acne. But avoiding the eye area and not to enter the eye.

3. Wear sandalwood

Mix sandalwood powder with yogurt, then apply on face. Allow to dry half then rinsed thoroughly. Acne will dry quickly and disappeared without leaving a stain.

4. Wear a mask of honey

Maskerkan honey on the face and leave about 10-15 minutes to dry. Rinse and pat your face with a towel to dry. Honey becomes antibacterial that helps dry up acne and remove acne pus.

5. Wear lime juice

Apply a bit of lemon juice on the acne. Kompreskan a moment and let it be absorbed to the inside. This powerful way of making pimples dry. But when it appears the wound, better stop because it can lead to irritation.

6. Baking Soda

Mix baking soda with lemon juice and honey. Apply it on the chin to get rid of acne and dead skin cells.

7. Banana Peel

Mix the banana skin layer with yogurt. Apply on face to get rid of acne and other skin problems such as for black spots.

8. Drink Lots of Water

You need to remove toxins from the body to get the skin clean and free of acne. Drinking plenty of water can remove harmful toxins and free radicals that can affect your skin.
