Powerful Tips To Prevent Acne Grow Again

Powerful Tips To Prevent Acne Grow Again - Discussing skin problems, especially about acne is never ending. Acne is a skin problem which is very annoying once and experienced by everyone. Although acne is easily treated, but not rare acne will appear again. And this is certainly very annoying at all.

Acne can indeed come at any time, but the important thing is we have to know how to prevent acne to growing again. It is very important that we overcome acne that has not grown anymore. With a face free of acne, facial skin will certainly be beautiful and clean natural. 
Powerful Tips To Prevent Acne Grow Again

Factors that cause acne

But before we talk about how to prevent acne to growing again, we have to identify what factors cause the growth of acne on the skin . It is important for us to know the cause of acne because it will be easier for us to do prevention . Acne is caused by many factors such as the cleanliness of the skin is not maintained , the state of oily skin , the skin is often exposed to pollution and sunlight , the skin pores are clogged , use makeup that is too thick and not cleaned when bedtime , make up is not suitable and many other factors that cause the appearance of acne on our skin .

How to deal with acne

To treat acne, you can use anti-acne creams or you can also use the natural way. The natural way that is commonly used to treat acne is like a mask of lemon, tomato mask, mask yam, aloe masks, masks garlic, milk mask and so forth. For more details, you can read the article entitled " How to naturally treat acne overnight "

How to prevent acne from appearing again

Acne is easily overcome , but after acne successfully resolved not mean the problem go away. Acne typically appears again and even with higher numbers . So to overcome this course we have to take precautions . Here are some ways that prevent acne from appearing again .

1. Clean the skin

The best way to prevent acne from reappearing is to maintain the cleanliness of our skin . Try to clean the skin at least 2 times a day , also use a facial cleanser cream . Avoid towels are made from rough , because it can trigger acne .

2. Using a moisturizer

Using a moisturizer is also highly recommended for you to prevent acne from appearing again . Moisture will nourish the skin and protect the skin from pollution and UV rays of the sun can trigger acne . However, in using a moisturizer , you should choose a moisturizer that suits your skin type , do not let you use a moisturizer that actually makes your skin becomes damaged .

3. Do not be too often touching the skin

As has been described many times in the previous article where often touching the skin can cause acne , especially if the hands are soiled . Germs on the hands will move to the facial skin and cause acne . Rinse your hands first before touching your skin .

4. Avoid using heavy makeup

Make-up is able to support a woman's beauty , but makeup can also damage the skin , the use of heavy makeup will cause the skin can not breathe , and skin pores become clogged . Besides makeup also contains a chemical which is certainly not good . So use makeup in moderation or a thin layer only , and do not forget to always clean your makeup before going to bed , make-up is still attached to the skin will cause the appearance of acne .

5. Avoid the incoming hair on the skin

Hair also the cause of acne. Hair that is entered on the skin will cause the skin becomes itchy, especially if the hair has just been given a conditioner. The conditioner is in contact with the skin will cause skin irritation and acne appears. Avoid styling that goes into the skin area.

6. Avoid stress

Stress is also a cause of acne. Stress will cause the skin produces excess oil, consequently, the skin becomes oily and dull which makes skin prone. Avoid stress by always relaxed in dealing with problems.

7. Avoid fatty foods

Fatty foods such as fried foods should you avoid if you do not want acne from appearing again. Fatty foods can cause the skin to become oily and eventually cause skin breakouts.

8. Drink plenty of water

Whitewater in addition to making the skin moist can also create toxins in the body and skin. So with the emphasis on drinking water, every day will make your skin clean and can prevent the appearance of acne.

9. Avoid exposed to direct sunlight

Sunlight is a free radical that can damage the skin. The sun's rays can cause the skin to become dark, burning, redness and acne. Therefore, avoid direct sunlight.

10. Regular breaks

When lack of sleep, then the regeneration of skin cells will be disrupted , resulting in the skin will be pale and quick to wrinkle, Lack of sleep can also cause acne. Therefore rest insufficient ie 8 hours in a day.

11. Use a clean pillowcase

Pillowcases also affect the beauty of our skin. When we use the pillowcases were dirty will make the facial skin becomes problematic. One result is the facial skin breakouts, the germ of pillowcases would move on the skin and become a serious problem on the skin.

12. Diligent exercise

Diligent exercise will not only make the body becomes healthy but also will make the skin becomes taut and clean naturally beautiful. Exercise will improve blood circulation to the skin so that problems can be prevented.

13. Using natural mask

The last way is to diligently perform treatments using the natural mask. You can use a mask yam, tomato mask, mask papaya, milk mask, mask yougurt and others.
