Acne diet

Acne diet. Acne is a common problem experienced by almost all teenagers in the world, and sometimes continue to appear until adulthood. You definitely upset because acne continues to appear on the face when you have to treat it with a variety of acne medication that is claimed to eliminate acne. But somehow acne kept coming.

Try to look again at your eating habits. Acne is usually caused by hormonal problems, a lack of a certain nutrient intake, and lack hygiene, especially hygiene face. However, the food you eat also contributes to the growth of acne.

Most people believe that acne appears on the face, neck, back or other areas there is no connection at all with the food. However, it is incorrect, the actual acne is closely related to the food you eat. A study of acne found that some foods can trigger inflammation in the skin and blood sugar to rise. Two of these factors is the originator of acne. These foods can even aggravate acne that has emerged.

Acne can be prevented and minimized its growth by consuming foods acne prevention. Food to prevent acne can help stabilize blood sugar and eliminate skin blemishes. The other good news is acne prevention diet can also help your diet program, launching the body's metabolism and make skin healthier and smoother. Here are 5 foods that prevent acne well as good food for diet

1. Fruit

Acne diet

Fruits are the best foods to the diet at the same time anti-acne diet. There are so many good choices of fruit for consumption. The fruit contains high antioxidant that is very good for preventing acne. Antioxidants play an active role cure various skin problems. We recommend that you eat a variety of fruit that contains vitamin C such as apples, oranges, pineapple, mango, melon, watermelon, banana, papaya, blueberries, strawberries etc. Make a fruit instead of snacks that can help your diet.

2. Foods high in fiber

Acne diet

Often acne appears as a sign that there is something wrong with your body. Do you believe that acne can also be due to incomplete digestion? Consuming foods rich in fiber can be healthy digestion and helps the intestines absorb nutrients better. With so the body can get rid of toxins and food scraps easier. Broccoli, cabbage, kale, spinach, carrots, rice bran are some list of foods rich in fiber and you should consume on a regular basis.

3. Yogurt

Acne diet

Dairy products such as yogurt are very good to eradicate acne. Yogurt is high in prebiotic that stimulates the growth of good bacteria in the body. The good bacteria can help inhibit the growth of bad bacteria that can trigger acne as well as facilitate the digestive process.

4. Fish and oysters

Acne diet

Acne is usually characterized by inflammation and redness of the skin pores are infected with the bacteria. Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids are well known both to the skin and anti-inflammatory. Consuming 3 servings of fish per week can make the skin more healthy and away from acne. If you suffer from acne, fish consumption may prevent the appearance of acne on the same skin area and your acne heal faster. If you do not like fish, you can replace it with oysters. Oysters also very good for your acne because oysters high in iron, in which iron can improve the structure of the skin so that acne does not leave a mark.

5. Avoiding foods trigger allergic

Acne diet

Avoid all foods that make allergies. Some people are allergic to certain foods that can cause an inflammatory reaction in the skin and acne. Know what foods make your allergies and avoid these foods. Usually, foods that can make allergies are instant food, fast food, greasy, high-fat and cholesterol, foods containing yeast and eggs, preserved, stale food etc.

Thus 5 food for acne prevention and good food for diet, hopefully, what we have stated helpful and thanks
